Thursday, January 31, 2013

Eeeeek a Rat!

Many people hear the word rat and immediately picture disgusting pests who live in sewers and invade your home.  I admit, living in the LA area (Whittier, CA to be precise) as a kid, we did have a rat problem once.  The things were huge, and I completely understood their bad reputation.  What lead me to loving pet rats as much as I do?  It started with having a couple teachers who kept pet rats in the classroom.  I've always loved animals, and I've never had any issues handling any kind of critter to cross my path.  So, in 8th grade, I helped my science teacher take care of the rats in the classroom.  It was nearly love at first sight.  Unfortunately, my family was not so easily swayed.  Then, in college I started in with my collection and haven't stopped.  I've been a rat owner for the past 6 years, and I'm definitely hooked.

Common misconceptions about pet rats:

  • They're dirty.  Actually, rats are very well groomed animals.  The only time a rat will get truly dirty is if their cage is not kept clean.  It's also very easy to bath a rat, provided the rat has been properly socialized.  I only give my rats baths on rare occasion, as they keep themselves pretty clean, but a bath every month or two can help keep their fur soft.  I use baby shampoo and only wash their bodies; I do not go anywhere near their heads.  Here's a picture of one of my girls after a bath:
Sadly, Andi is no longer with me.  She developed mammary tumors and had to be put down.

  • They're diseased.  This goes hand in hand with being clean.  Pet rats don't carry the same diseases that wild rats do.  It's still possible for them to get fleas, mites, etc, but that's the same for any pet.  In the 6 years that I've had rats, I've never once seen a flea on any of them.  Nor have I gotten sick or infected from a scratch.
  • They're mean.  While it's always possible for any animal to be mean, to say that rats in general are mean is untrue.  My rats love to nibble on my fingers, and occasionally someone nips too hard.  I've also had new rats who nipped because they were afraid of me, and it took time to build trust.  However, I have never had a rat bite me and break skin.  Rats are affectionate critters who love to be held and played with.  One of my current girls, Rose, would rather be out with me than in her tank!
Andi and her sister Cassie a couple hours after I got them

If you have experienced any other negative stereotypes about rats, let me know! I'd love to debunk as many misconceptions as I can.  I already recommend rats over hamsters to anyone who will listen because of their sweet temperaments and playful curiosity.  Please post comments or ask questions below.

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