Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fun Front Yard Birds!

My family and I were coming home from breakfast one morning when I noticed a handful of birds with unusual profiles (unusual to me).  I could see a slight crest to the feathers on the back of their head, and I got kind of excited, so I ran inside, quietly so as not to scare these birds away, and grabbed my binoculars, camera, and bird book.  I suspected they might be waxwings, though I had no real idea why I thought so.  I'd seen pictures of the waxwings in my bird book while looking for other birds, but I had never studied the pictures or read any of the information about them.  Turns out I was right!  A small flock of Cedar Waxwings called the tree in my front yard home for about two weeks.  They were there everyday.  I sat out on my front porch for almost an hour studying these birds, watching their behavior, practicing taking close-up pictures with my sad little point and shoot camera.  It was a great time.  Scroll down for pictures of these pretty little birds.  Here's a link to their information on the Audubon website:
(I have no affiliation with the Audubon Society, other than finding their information most helpful)

Notice the crest behind the head

Yellow tip on tail feathers

There is a small red spot on the wings, this is not always visible

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