Monday, April 1, 2013

Hide and Seek!

The other day I went up to my room to get ready for bed.  As is my custom, I checked on all my critters before turning off the light to go to sleep.  Rats: all present and accounted for.  Birds: cranky that the light is still on, but all there.  Toads: there's one....uh, Frantically I open the lid to the tank and begin searching for the missing toad.  I know they're good jumpers, and though the lid was on and secure, I also know animals can be creative when they decide to escape.  After several minutes of searching the tank, and freaking out the one toad I could find, this is what I discovered.

Trevor the trouble maker has apparently decided that the filter makes a good hiding place.  Hide and seek is his favorite new game.  For the past 3 nights he has been in the filter, sometimes so far down that I cannot see him at all, when I get ready for bed.  I still check on him, tap the filter, just to make sure he doesn't get stuck.  The filter is also off for now until I can get a replacement that does not have an open top.

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